Re-read your old work

You might find it’s better than you thought

Traverse Davies


Image copyright the author — that’s a blue heron flying away in the distance

A (sort of) happy accident

I got disorganized, I sent a book out for editing, and when it came back to me, I didn’t save it where I usually keep books. I mostly use Apollopad for writing, and my writing lives there. I had saved the doc with the edits in it on my computer, and then further edited it from there.

The problem was that I changed computers after that, then reformated the laptop that contained the file. I don’t know for sure which external drive I put it on; the whole thing was a huge pain. I needed to add a bit of back matter to the book then re-upload it to Amazon. The problem was that the most recent version I had access to ended up being the version with track changes turned on that my editor had sent me. It was in my email, so I was able to locate it pretty quickly.

Re-Doing the Edits

The consequence of that was that I had to go back through all of my editor's edits and figure out what made sense and what didn’t. That book has been out for quite a while now, and I haven’t re-read it during that time.

It’s not perfect of course, and there are things I would have done a little bit differently were I writing it now, but damn, it’s good! I found myself enjoying the…



Traverse Davies

I do survival, self-publishing consultation, and writing. Check out my blog: